Review study related to imaging equipment Voluntary Agreement

The European Commission has completed a technical assistance study to support the process of the revision of the existing Voluntary Agreement on imaging equipment.
The study was carried out by Viegand Maagøe A/S for the European Commission, DG Energy. The study started in March 2018 and was finished October 2019.
This website was the main information exchange platform between the study team and the Commission on one side and the stakeholders on the other side. All documents are available through this website.
The information and views set out in this study are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Commission. Please read the Disclaimer and Copyright information for this website.
What's new
23 October 2019: The final report and a summary of stakeholder comments and study team’s actions can be downloaded. The review study is now completed.
26 April 2019: Presentations from the stakeholder meeting can be downloaded.
25 April 2019: Template for comments are available to download here, please use it to provide feedback on the draft reports.
25 March 2019: Stakeholder meeting for the revision of the new Voluntary Agreement on Imaging Equipment will be held on the 25th April 2019 at the Commission’s premise in Brussels.
25 March 2019: Draft reports Task 5-7 are available for download and comments.
4 March 2019: Draft reports Task 1-4 are available for download and comments.
25 April 2018: Launch of the project website
Mid-April 2018: Launch of study