Published documents from the study team
The final study reports can be downloaded below.
Documents for 2nd stakeholder meeting and final stakeholder consultation and previous documents and material and background documents are available further below.
In case you cannot download a document because it is located on a Google Drive folder, please contact us indicating which report you need:
Final reports
Published documents from the study team
The final study reports can be downloaded below.
Documents for 2nd stakeholder meeting and final stakeholder consultation and previous documents and material and background documents are available further below.
In case you cannot download a document because it is located on a Google Drive folder, please contact us indicating which report you need:
Final reports

Preparatory study for the Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Working Plan 2020-2024

The European Commission comissioned a preparatory study to inform and assist the Commission in preparing the Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Working Plan 2020-2024 as part of the implementation of the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC and Energy Labelling Regulation (EU) 2017/1369.
The study has been completed and this website will no longer be updated.
The study was carried out by Viegand Maagøe, VHK and Oeko-Institut for the European Commission, DG GROW. The study started in March 2020 and finished in May 2021.
This website was the main information exchange platform between the study team and the Commission on one side and the stakeholders on the other side. All documents prepared as part of the study have been made available through this website.
The information and views set out in this study are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Commission. Please read the Disclaimer and Copyright information for this website.
What's new
18 May 2021: Stakeholder position papers have been uploaded.
11 May 2021: The final study reports have been published.
10 May 2021: Minutes of 2nd stakeholder meeting have been published.
24 March 2021: Final draft Task 1 and 2 reports can be downloaded here.
22 March 2021: Final draft Task 3 report (preliminary analysis of product groups and horizontal initiatives) can be downloaded here.
19 March 2021: Draft Task 4 report (Complementary analyses and recommendations) has been published and can be downloaded here. Deadline for comments is 9 April 2021.
9 March 2021:
2 remaining draft Task 3 reports published: The last draft Task 3 reports on universal batteries and on enterprise network equipment have been published and are available here. Deadline for comments is 26 March 2021.
Smaller updates of Task 3 reports: The reports on hair dryers and greenhouse covers have been slightly updated to reflect how the energy savings for increased durability have been derived, and to update the summary table with those energy savings. The report on tertiary hot beverage equipment has been updated regarding the calculation on the indirect energy savings that can be obtained via the material savings, which have reduced from 7.5 PJ/year to 0.5 PJ/year. These updates do not change the overall conclusions. The updated reports are available at the documents page.
Remaining reports for stakeholder comments: The Task 4 report and revised Task 1, 2 and 3 reports will be published about a week before the stakeholder meeting. Deadline for comments will be 3 weeks after date of publishing.
22 February 2021: 4 additional draft Task 3 reports on product groups and horizontal initiatives have been published:
Firmware and software
Innovative IT solutions facilitating market surveillance and standard setting
Scarce and environmentally critical raw materials
Hair dryers
22 February 2021: Registration is open for the 2nd stakeholder meeting, which will be held as a webinar on 26th March 2021 10:00-13:00 CET. Please register before 19th March COB.
22 February 2021: 9 draft Task 3 reports on product groups and horizontal initiatives have been published:
Industrial smart sensors
Base stations
Professional cooking appliances
Swimming pool heaters
Greenhouse covers
Non-tertiary coffee machines
Tertiary hot beverage equipment
Electric vehicle chargers
Street lighting systems with PV
29 January 2021: The end date of the study has been postponed to the end of April 2021. We expect the 2nd Stakeholder Meeting to take place in the second half of March 2021 and as an online meeting. Further information about the meeting will be announced on the website and distributed to registered stakeholders. The updated and remaining draft study reports will be uploaded on the website prior to the meeting.
17 September 2020: Draft versions of Task 1 Study definition report and Task 3 Report on analysis of durability are available for download and stakeholder comments.
31 August 2020: The final version of the ICT impact study report has been published. Link is available in the table with background documents. The study provides background analyses for several of the product groups in the preparatory study for the working plan.
5 August 2020: Minutes of the 1st stakeholder meeting are available.
13 July 2020: Slides from and recording (video & audio) of the 1st stakeholder meeting are available.
29 June 2020: Draft initial versions of Task 2 and Task 3 reports have been published.
18 June 2020: Registration for the first stakeholder meeting on 10 July held as a webinar is now open.
6 May 2020: Launch of the project website.
25 March 2020: Launch of the study.