The European Commission commissioned a preparatory study analysing the technical, economic, environmental, market and societal aspects of refrigerated containers with a view to developing adequate policy approaches.
The study has been completed and this website will no longer be updated.
The study was carried out by Viegand Maagøe A/S, Armines and The Wuppertal Institute for the European Commission, DG Energy. Contract manager is VITO NV. The study started in March 2019 and finished in June 2021.
This website was the main information exchange platform between the study team, the Commission and the stakeholders. All documents prepared as part of the study have been made available through this website.
The information and views set out in this study are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Commission. Please read the Disclaimer and Copyright information for this web site.
What's new
25 June 2020: Final report of the preparatory study published
3 and 21 April 2020: Stakeholder position papers
23 March 2020: Minutes from the stakeholder meeting
6 March 2020: Deadline for written comments on the draft task 1 and
2 report is 6 April 2020. Input received after this date may not be taken into consideration during the preparation of the final report.
6 March 2020: Slidedeck from the stakeholder meeting can be downloaded from the documents page.
6 March 2020: First stakeholder meeting. Please notice that the physical meeting has been cancelled. Instead, a web meeting will be held.
24 January 2020: Draft task 1 and 2 study published
14 May 2019: Launch of the project website
28 March 2019: Launch of study